By Venerable Master Hsing Yun
Founder of Fo Guang Shan
Oh great, compassionate Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva!
As we are confronted by the Novel Coronavirus breakout,
Many are suffering from mistreatment, adversity and fear.
We pray to you for your compassion and blessings
So that we may have the courage and wisdom
To confront the outbreak with calmness and fortitude,
To face the illness with confidence and acceptance.
Oh great, compassionate Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva!
As cities become sealed off, and events are suspended,
We are in dire need of your spirit of alleviating suffering,
Let us care and help one another and not be struck with a panic,
Let us support and encourage one another to strengthen our faith.
May the momentary isolations become retreats for self-introspection,
May the momentary inconvenience become mindful practices of self-improvement.
Oh great, compassionate Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva!
This is the moment when unity is most crucial,
Let us trust in the government to resolve the crisis,
Let us thank the medical professionals for treating the disease.
No matter how difficult the situation,
As long as there is compassion and wisdom,
When we all practice the Three Acts of Goodness:
Do good deeds, speak good words, and think good thoughts,
If we all protect the environment and have respect for all lives,
We shall be able to turn peril into safety.
Oh great, compassionate Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva!
At this moment, we sincerely recite your name,
“Blessed be Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva.”
We would like to take your liberation and ease as a model.
From now on:
We will distance ourselves from contrary and delusive ideas
to contemplate the ease of the individual;
We will distance ourselves from discrimination and personal conjecture
to contemplate the ease of circumstances;
We will distance ourselves from attachment and entanglement
to contemplate the ease of affairs;
We will distance ourselves from the five desires and the trouble of the world
to contemplate the ease of the mind.
Oh great and compassionate Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva!
We pray for your blessings.
Please help the survivors be delivered from suffering,
and recover their good health;
Please help the deceased be reborn in the Buddha land,
and rest well in peace.
May this world be free from the turmoil of the outbreak,
May each and everyone of us be safe and well.
Oh great, compassionate Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva,
Please accept our sincerest prayer!
Oh great, compassionate Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva,
Please accept our sincerest prayer!