Speaker: Venerable Chueh Fan
Abbess of Fo Guang Shan Toronto
I. Introduction
Auspicious greeting to everyone who joined us on this online session for our cultivation and prayer. This is Chueh Fan from Fo Guang Shan in Toronto, Canada.
As this is the fifth English Dharma service since we went online, I hope the chanting brings you a peaceful moment during the COVID-19 pandemic.
If you are planning to join us again next week, I would like to suggest a few things before the next chanting, first, concentrate yourself to the moment, by having a 2 or 3 minutes, or even five minutes silent sitting meditation. Next, follow the chime of the hand bell when we begin the service and make three prostrations. Then, find a comfortable seat, sit upright, straighten your back but not too rigid, connect yourself to the tranquility of the voice from the monastics who lead the chanting—they have cultivated very hard daily for this impermanent global crisis! Feel the compassion of the voice, also observe the compassion of the Buddha, the bodhisattvas and all the health-care professionals that are helping us to take care of all the COVID-19 patients in the front line.
For the last few weeks, until even today, our headquarters is leading our worldwide branch temples and the members of Buddha’s Light International Association, we work very hard to look for masks and medical supplies for the front line professionals and members in different countries.
With our limitation of human powers, this is what we try to support everyone who supports all human beings globally!
However, with our endless power, the inner power within us, we might be able to do more than that! Think of ourselves, how can you give a person comfort, feeling of safety during this pandemic? If you realized that you have that inner power within yourself, you definitely have the inner peace at the same time!
II. Developing Inner Power
In an article of Ven. Master Hsing Yun, “Discovering the Treasure Within Our Minds”,
The Sixth Patriarch Platform Sutra says, “Bodhi is found within the mind. Why bother looking for the extraordinary outside?” The treasure within our minds is endless, so why do we give up this intrinsic treasure to pursue momentary worldly wealth? Even if we have great wealth, what good does it do for living and dying and our worries in life?
Nations have been fighting constantly over energy resources, creating international upheavals.
Shortages of oil and electric power have driven all countries to a frantic search for new energy sources. Some of them search the mountains and others go deep into the ocean. Some others explore the possibilities of recycling waste for power and making use of solar energy. Energy resources outside our minds are worthy of exploring and using, but the supply of energy inside our minds is still waiting to be developed.
During this period, the world is fighting for the coronavirus, our responsibility is to stay HOME in order to help. Now that we all are staying home, unable to go anywhere, no shopping, no driving, no outing, no dining out. Some people may feel bored, some may feel panic, fear, or worries, some are even busier than before, because now that they are not only working from home, but at the same time, they need to take care of the children, cooking, and house cleaning.
If you are feeling uneasy and dread, try to make a deep breath, now, shift your mind by telling yourself:
1. I am not stuck at home, I am safe in my home with my loved one.
2. If I worry I will get sick, then shift the thought to I will practice safe social distancing, self-isolation and wash my hands to decrease the chances of getting sick.
3. I am doubtful, whether I will run out of the items I need during self-isolation? Again, shift the thought to…. I have everything I need for now, I will use them wisely.
4. When everything around me is shutting down, I am panicked!! Then I tell myself essential places like grocery stores, pharmacies and medical s are open, I will be okay!
5. When something is bothering my mind, when there are too much uncertainty in the world right now, shift the thought to I can’t control the situation but I can control my actions, keep informed, look after myself and act responsibly to help at this time.

If you have the energy to change your mind, then your world will be different!
But at the same time, what do we actually need at this critical moment? Peace? Calmness? Freedom? These are not the things that people can give to you but yourself, they are from our minds! Things that we have worked so hard in the past might not be the things that we are craving for at this time.
How much do we actually need in a day? When we think deeper, we are able to discover the energy source of our minds, you will never feel lonely and fearful about staying at home. Instead, you should dig out your own treasure and pass along to others.
The Honorable Mahakasyapa, one of the ten great disciples of the Buddha, lived in caves, under trees, and by the waterside. He was completely at ease with himself in his meditation because he fully enjoyed the wealth from his intrinsic energy sources.
During this lockdown period, imagine that if we are able to live in caves, under trees, by the waterside, wow, you might think that it will be a joyful world, don’t you think that that is the moment with most freedom? But, how is it compared to the life before this tragedy? Why didn’t we ever choose that when we had the choice?
III. Impermanence
Buddhism talks about “Impermanence,” which is what we are experiencing now, but because of the same “impermanence,” we don’t want to live in regrets, instead, we need to think forward. Impermanence gives hope to the world that we will definitely have a way to solve current issues and have a better tomorrow because impermanence means it will not stay the same all the time. This is the energy for all human beings! It comes from nowhere but our minds! Our minds have been distracted for so many decades, how can we find back our innocent and simple mind, then bring out the power within ourselves and give and spread it out?

Chan Master Dazhu Huihai of the Tang Dynasty went to learn from Chan Master Mazu Daoyi.
The latter asked, “Why are you here?”
Dazhu replied, “To seek the Dharma!”
Mazu chided him, “You are not using your own treasure. What Dharma do you want from me having come such a long way?”
Bewildered, Dazhu asked, “Where is my treasure?”
Mazu explained, “Isn’t the “mind” that is now asking me questions your treasure?”
When we realize that “we are Buddhas” and are willing to shoulder the responsibility, we have found our treasure. Otherwise, in the drifting sea of humanity, flowing between life and death, we are leaving our treasure undiscovered, and we gain nothing for our enlightenment or liberation from the cycle of birth and death.
Buddhism is not opposed to the possession of wealth, because worldly riches are crucial for living.
However, it is more important to discover and develop the treasure within our minds. Real wealth lies in knowing and believing in ourselves, and in recognizing the inherent Buddha Nature of all sentient beings.
Can you discover the Buddha Nature that is in every person? If you can, then you are the wealthiest person in the world, here and now!
IV. A Life of Pluses and Minuses
I recently learned to understand a word from our deputy abbot in Fo Guang Shan, Ven. Hui Chuan in Taiwan, when we had a video conference with over 60 young adults from North America, he talked about two characters in Chinese, “Wei Ji 危機”, which interpreted as crisis, but if they are separated into two characters, it means danger and opportunity. When we are facing any danger, there are also lots of opportunities arising!
We all are unable to foresee the future due to what is happening in the world, but we all know that the world is changing. Everyone of us is facing the same fear and the whole world is working to solve the problem, what will our life become?
I would like to share a teaching from Ven. Master Hsing Yun talked about life…… he said,
Life is sometimes a smooth sailing. For instance, we can be happy in love, prospering in our careers, and having our wishes fulfilled. These are all the pluses of life. However, we may experience something that is happening now, setbacks in our careers, enmity with others, boredom with life, and regrets with our friends. They are the minuses in life.
Life is like the tide, rising and falling with its pluses and minuses.
As the saying goes, “We should be aware of losing when we are successful; after we suffer a loss, we are likely to gain.” Therefore, between success and failure, and gain and loss, nothing is fixed. When we are basking in the warm spring breeze, we should be prepared for the coolness of autumn drafts. Regardless of where we are, we should always be alert for change
Buddhism teaches impermanence. Impermanence means we will not always gain nor always lose. Life will not be all pluses or all minuses. It takes our wisdom, patience, decisiveness, and skills to gain more pluses and have fewer minuses.
A family may gain members when babies are born, and a fortune is made when opportunities are right. A family may also suffer sickness, death, downturns, and other losses. That is the natural process of the world.
When we experience pluses we are naturally happy, but we need not be troubled by minuses. Instead of spending time calculating our gains and losses, or pluses and minuses, we should be courageous, and strengthen our will to accept the lessons of a setback. Moreover, in living with minuses, we should realize that there will be days of pluses in the future, and life is not without hope.
Worldly affairs can defeat one who has neither courage nor resolve. With understanding of right views and the courage of right thoughts, the gaining of pluses will be something everyone can aspire to. The outcome of pluses is limitless. Even when worse comes to the worse and all we have are minuses, we know that we can start again from solid ground
Hurricanes and earthquakes bring devastation and loss of lives, but new homes and renewed strength provide us hope and power to move past our loss. Without destruction there is no new construction. We do not get a plus where there is no minus. Life’s delight, anger, sorrow, and joy all have their pluses and minuses. In understanding them we can truly appreciate the meaning and flavor of life. Pluses and minuses are indeed the truth of life.
Even we think that we are in our minus now while facing the COVID-19 pandemic, I would like to tell that, you are not alone, we all are together.
Let’s pray together like what the Venerable Master said in his prayer to Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva for Safety from the Novel Coronavirus Outbreak,
Let us trust in the government to resolve the crisis,
Let us thank the medical professionals for treating the disease.
No matter how difficult the situation,
As long as there is compassion and wisdom,
When we all practice the Three Acts of Goodness:
Do good deeds, speak good words, and think good thoughts,
If we all protect the environment and have respect for all lives,
We shall be able to turn peril into safety.
Last but not least, now, take a break from what I have been saying, just embrace our compassion and wisdom, also, the oneness in all of us, discover your own inner power and inner peace, let go of all worries, then listen to the song, “We are One”, written by Ven. Master Hsing Yun and let’s meet again next Saturday.
We are One
Lyrics based on the poetry of Venerable Master Hsing Yun
Composed by: Jude Thaddeus Gitamondoc
When I see all the colors of nature
I perceive all the treasures to treasure
Just like the leaves that sway in glee
Joy comes to be to those who live as one
When I hear all the music around me
As the breeze of the heavens surround me
Just like the bees that bring the honey
We’ll be free if only we are one
Forget the “I”
We are bound together, never come undone
If we just try
We can stay forever ever warm and calm
Let there be “us”
We belong and coexist together
No matter where we’re coming from
Like sister moon and brother sun
We’ll stop the gloom as long as we are one
When I feel my heart beating inside me
I am still for I know it will guide me
Just like the humming of the drums
A new world starts
When hearts can beat as one
When I feel my heart beating inside me
I am still for I know it will guide me
Just like the humming of the drums
A new world starts
When hearts can beat as one
When I feel my heart beating inside me
I am still for I know it will guide me
Just like the humming of the drums
A new world starts
When hearts can beat as one
When I feel my heart beating inside me
I am still for I know it will guide me
Just like the humming of the drums
A new world starts
When hearts can beat as one
Forget the “I”
We are bound together, never come undone
If we just try
We can stay forever ever warm and calm
Let there be “us”
We belong and coexist together
No matter where we’re coming from
Like sister moon and brother sun
We’ll stop the gloom as long as we are one
See you in me
Me in you
Then we can build life anew
When I smell all the scents of the flowers
I can tell they’re not mine, they are ours
Just like the trees that touch the sun
We’ll live in peace as long as we are one
Just like the wind so soft and calm
We’ll be at ease if only we are one
Like sister moon and brother sun
We’ll find true peace as long as we are one
We are one