By Venerable Master Hsing Yun
Founder of Fo Guang Shan
Oh great, compassionate Buddha!
At the moment you attained enlightenment on the diamond throne,
You proclaimed, “All phenomena are dependent in origination.”
Thereafter, the world is brightened;
Thereafter, humans have hope.
When we realize the importance of causes and conditions,
We know to broadly form good affinities.
Oh great, compassionate Buddha!
From the moment I took refuge in you,
I have accepted your Truth without hesitation;
Most of all,
I have followed your teaching to “broadly form good affinities.”
Some of us:
Volunteer in hospitals to assist patients;
Volunteer on the streets to conduct traffic;
Volunteer to write letters or run errands for the old and sick;
Volunteer to clean or cook in monasteries.
Sometimes, we broadly form good affinities with others:
By smiling, praising, rejoicing in their success, and serving them
Oh great, compassionate Buddha!
We have seen monasteries that
Carry out your teaching of “broadly form good affinities.”
Some constructed dormitories for people to stay for the night;
Some built schools to provide education;
Some cleaned the environment to protect the ecology;
Some planted trees to promote environmental protection.
We have also seen many monastics who traveled around to “broadly form good affinities:”
Some taught and propagated the Dharma;
Some rescued victims of disasters;
Some took care of children in children’s home;
Some looked after the elderly in nursing homes.
In addition, there are many lay devotees who:
Transferred their merits to others through Dharma services in the temples;
Published sutras and wholesome books as gifts of wisdom;
Gave food to help struggling families;
Gave school supplies to young students.
Oh great, compassionate Buddha!
I pray to you to protect all givers and receivers:
May they feel the harmony of all dharma realms;
May they experience the sincerity between self and others.
Oh great, compassionate Buddha,
Please accept my sincerest prayer!
Oh great, compassionate Buddha,
Please accept my sincerest prayer!
(Excerpted from “A Prayer to Broadly Form Good Affinities (廣結善緣祈願文)” from Pearls of Wisdom: Prayers for Engaged Living I by Venerable Master Hsing Yun)