By Venerable Master Hsing Yun
Founder of Fo Guang Shan
Oh great, compassionate Buddha!
We are here to celebrate your birth into this world
With sincerity and respect.
The warmth of spring
Bloomed flowers in Lumbini garden.
Everyone in Kapilavastu was rejoicing,
Bathing in the fragrant breeze,
As all birds sang in unison.
From that moment on,
There was promise in the world,
From that moment on,
There was Dharma in the world.
With one hand pointing to the sky
And the other pointing to the earth,
You declared that you were
The uniquely honored one in the world.
As you took seven steps,
Blossoms of lotus flowers appeared,
And you used the pure and clean Dharma water
To wash away the stains of the earth.
Muddy streams became crystal clear,
Burned-out torches were rekindled,
The heavens played wonderful music,
The earth displayed rare, auspicious signs;
All these signs welcome your arrival to this world.
Oh great, compassionate Buddha!
Because of your birth in this world,
Your forty-nine years of teaching the Dharma
Will hold sway for far more than three great kalpas!
The three hundred gatherings in which you taught the sutras
Will benefit countless sentient beings!
Oh great, compassionate Buddha!
You who broke the caste system,
You taught dependent origination and the equality of all beings,
You opened our minds to the Buddha’s wisdom and views,
You awakened all sentient beings from ignorance.
Oh great, compassionate Buddha!
To respectfully celebrate the joyous occasion
Of your birth to the world,
In some places,
We joyfully decorate with lanterns and lights,
We hold parades as the sounds of gongs and drums shake the sky;
Monasteries hold the ceremony of bathing
The image of the Buddha,
And devotees and their families celebrate your birthday.
This is how your followers commemorate
Your gracious kindness!
This is how your followers remember
Your blessing and protection with gratitude!
Oh great, compassionate Buddha!
Please sympathize the imperfections of our virtues and merits;
We can only chant your great, sacred name mindfully,
As though remembering our own kind mother.
Oh great, compassionate Buddha!
We kneel before you,
We pass our hands over your golden body,
We offer our sincere devotion, and
We pray and hope that your virtue brightens the world.
May the Dharma last forever.
Please grant us your vision,
To clearly see and understand the suffering of all beings;
Please bless us with your speech,
To say wonderful and kind words;
Please inspire our actions,
To be willing to help our friends;
Please guide our minds,
To concentrate on benefiting all beings.
Oh great, compassionate Buddha!
We offer our life to expound and propagate the Truth;
We offer our life to liberate all sentient beings.
Oh great, compassionate Buddha,
Please accept our sincerest prayer!
Oh great, compassionate Buddha,
Please accept our sincerest prayer!
(Excerpted from “A Prayer for the Buddha’s Birthday (佛誕節祈願文)” from Pearls of Wisdom: Prayers for Engaged Living by Ven. Master Hsing Yun)