By Venerable Master Hsing Yun
Founder of Fo Guang Shan
Oh great, compassionate Buddha!
We have all devoutly taken refuge in you;
Some of us serve in industrial, commercial, or enterprise companies;
Some work for government, educational, or military departments;
Some are housewives;
Some are retired.
We often feel that we are imperfect;
We often experience hardships in life.
Oh great, compassionate Buddha!
We, of all vocations and endeavors,
Would like to pray to you.
Oh great Buddha!
We dare not ask for enlightenment;
Instead, we pray that you will enable us
To become kinder people.
We dare not ask for the complete eradication of afflictions;
Instead, we pray that you will enable us
To have fewer worries.
Oh great, compassionate Buddha!
Through the guiding light of your compassion,
May our people bestow great contributions upon our nation;
through diligent effort.
May our farmers strive to produce bountiful harvests,
And ensure that people never lack the basic necessities;
May our business sector further promote research and development,
And provide numerous conveniences for the community;
May teachers guide and protect their pupils,
And elevate society to brighter and vaster horizons;
May parents raise their children with love, abide honestly by principles,
And establish fine models for future generations.
Oh great, compassionate Buddha!
We pray that we from all walks of life,
May follow the Triple Gem faithfully,
Uphold the five precepts;
Devote ourselves to eliminating all wrongdoings,
Strive to do good;
Have deep understanding of the law of cause and effect,
Repent our karmic hindrances;
Cultivate positive affinity with others,
And benefit society.
Oh great, compassionate Buddha!
We pray that we, and people of every vocation and endeavor,
May cultivate ourselves in speech and thoughts,
Set ourselves right and help others reform;
Strengthen the bonds among relatives and others,
Bring harmony to our families and order to our nation;
Understand the principle of dependent origination,
Realize the truths of interdependence and coexistence;
Carry out the teachings of the Noble Eightfold Path,
And live a normal life.
Oh great, compassionate Buddha!
We sincerely reveal our hearts to you.
We pray that you will aid all people in the world
To eliminate greed, anger, and ignorance,
And to diligently cultivate precepts, meditation, and wisdom.
We pray that you encourage all sentient beings in the universe
To learn respect and tolerance,
And to live in harmony.
Oh great, compassionate Buddha,
Please accept our sincerest prayer!
Oh great, compassionate Buddha,
Please accept our sincerest prayer!
(Excerpted from “A Prayer for People of All Vocations and Endeavors 為社會大眾祈願文)” from Pearls of Wisdom: Prayers for Engaged Living by Ven. Master Hsing Yun)