ANNOUNCEMENT: 6/21 (Sun) LIVE Dharma Panel

Thank you for helping us reach 1000 subscribers on FGS English Dharma Services YouTube Channel. To celebrate this milestone, we will be holding our first LIVE streaming. 

2020 has been a very challenging year. Crisis of increasing scale are affecting human lives as we know it, forcing us to stop and rethink about the impact of human actions. In times like this, we need the light of the Dharma to show us the ways out of crisis. 
We are honored to invite three speakers to discuss how to react with current situation with Buddha-Dharma. Tune in to join 10 minutes of simple chanting and 80 minutes of panel discussion. 

Topic: Finding Our Way Out of Crisis

Ven. Chueh Fan, Abbess of FGS Toronto
Ven. Juewei, Director, Humanistic Buddhism Centre, NTI
Ven. Miao Guang, Deputy Chancellor of FGS Institute of Humanistic Buddhism

Facilitator:Ven. Zhi Yue, FGS Institute of Humanistic Buddhism
Time & Date:
Taipei (GMT+8): 6/21/2020 (Sun), 8:00AM

*(which is equal to:)

  • Sydney (GMT+10): 6/21/2020 (Sun), 10:00AM
  • US East Coast (GMT-4): 6/20/2020 (Sat), 8:00PM
  • US West Coast (GMT-7): 6/20/2020 (Sat), 5:00PM

*There will be NO Dharma Service video on 6/20 (Sat).