Speaker: Ven. Juedi Fo Guang Shan Nanhua Temple, South Africa I. Introduction Auspicious greeting to […]
Tag: Mindfulness
About Medicine Buddha
Speaker: Ven. Miao Tan Fo Guang Shan Hsing Ma Temple, Malaysia I. Introduction Auspicious greetings […]
Calm Mind, Perfect Ease
Speaker: Ven.Miao Xi Fo Guang Buddhist Temple, Boston, U.S.A. I. Introduction Auspicious blessings to all, […]
Buddhist Meditation (4)—Requisite Understandings for Practicing Vipaśyanā (Insight) Meditation
Speaker: Venerable Hui Cheng Fo Guang Shan Qishan Temple I. Introduction Auspicious greetings to our […]
Buddhist Meditation (3)—The Functions and Techniques of Śamatha or Calming Meditation
Speaker: Venerable Hui Cheng Fo Guang Shan Qishan Temple I. Introduction Auspicious greetings to our […]
Buddhist Meditation (2)—The Prerequisite of Right View and Right Intention
Speaker: Venerable Hui Cheng Fo Guang Shan Qishan Temple I. Introduction Auspicious greetings to our […]
Buddhist Meditation (1)—The Prerequisite of Morality
Speaker: Venerable Hui Cheng Fo Guang Shan Qishan Temple Auspicious greetings to our friends around […]
Stay Awesome
Speaker: Ven. You Deng Fo Guang Shan Dong Zen Buddhist College, Malaysia I. Introduction Auspicious […]
Mindfulness or Mindlessness: It is Our Call
Speaker: Venerable Miao Zang Fo Guang Shan Hsi Lai Temple, Los Angeles I. Introduction Auspicious […]